Speak Up & Speak Out
I was reading Fahrenheit 451 yesterday when I came across a paragraph that really moved me. This is what it said - "I saw the way things...
Problematic Books: Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
Looking at some problematic content in books starting with Charlie and the Chocolate factory
Why burn books?
My thoughts about why books can pose a threat for tyrannical governments
Writing Spoiler Free Reviews
Ever since I started the MetroReader blog with the intention to mainly write reviews about books I’ve read, I’ve often wondered how best...
Spoiler free review of The Secret Garden
Gosh it seems so long since I’ve written a review! I’ve had so many instances where I’ve wanted to share about the books I’ve read but...
The Metro Reader’s long break from writing
It feels great to be back!! I think it must be over a year now since I put up a post and after such a long break it does feel good to be...
Review: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Just finished reading Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. Though not as awesome and scary as Orwell's 1984 or Huxley's Brave New World...
Review: Ramayana 3392 AD by Shamik Dasgupta
Among the new things I wanted to try this year one of them was to read comic books and graphic novels. Since I had a friend who loves...
Review: The Finkler Question by Howard Jacobson
I started off 2017 with a goal of reading 35 books (up 5 books from last year’s goal of 30 books). I ended up reading 38 books last year...