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My name is Roshan John and I started The Metro Reader in early 2016 as a pet project to have a repository of the reviews that I wrote on Goodreads. What started as a pet project soon grew into a full fledged website that strives to meet the reading needs of all the readers out there. 


According to me reading is an experience that can transport you to others worlds without actually having to travel. If you're a reader yourself or you want to get into the habit of reading, this is a page that is tailor made for you. Here you can check out some great book quotes and read reviews and articles related to books. You can also get book recommendations based on the genre of books you like or depending on which stage you are in your reading journey. This site is called the Metro Reader because I like to promote reading while traveling to and fro from work (preferably via public transport). So if you're like me and you think travel is taking up a lot of your day, simply pick up a book and start reading! You'll find that not just is your daily commute less tedious but it also becomes much more fun and productive.


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