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Hot Guys Reading on the Metro

I recently came across an article on facebook about hot guys reading on the metro and how much that appealed to certain people. Needless to say that since I'm a metro reader myself, this article really caught my attention.

I won't deny that since I came across this article I haven't had a fantasy of my own where I strike up a nice conversation with some girl who is interested in the stuff that I'm reading. Unfortunately that hasn't happened yet (blame it on Delhi's insecure culture) but I have hopes that it soon will. A few random guys though have asked me about what I'm reading and I've had a chance to share that and have a nice conversation. Now I'm not exactly sure if I fall into the hot guy category but I'd love to have a conversation with you about what I'm reading so if any of you come across me while I'm traveling, please don't hesitate to start up a conversation!

Here's the link to the original article.

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