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Review: Chronicle of a Death Foretold

This is Marquez's third book I am reading after 100 years of Solitude and Love in the time of Cholera. It's obvious that having read these two books before that I would have certain expectations in terms of quality and style of writing. Chronicle of a Death Foretold though was in my opinion only above average. It never did blow me away and I think one of the reasons for that is that it is incredibly fast paced. I did find myself missing the beauty with which Marquez has written some of his other books. Unlike the other two books where Marquez took his time to let the story develop, this one jumps right into action from the very first page. The story is basically about a murder that everyone knew was about to happen but couldn't prevent from happening either. As compared to 100 years of Solitude in which the events took place over a span of a 100 years, this book essentially covers events that happened over a couple of days. If you're a fan of Marquez and if you want a short read (122 pages), I would suggest that you read this book. I wouldn't have minded giving this book a miss though.

My Rating: 3/5

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